2017-2018 Calendar
Fall Semester Begins
No Lessons
Labor Day
No Lessons
Piano Distributors
This festival is perfect for students of all ages and levels.
Piano Distributors
This festival is perfect for students of all ages and levels.
No Lessons
Thanksgiving Break
Christmas Concert
2:30 @ Piano Distributors
Family and friends are invited and encouraged to attend this festive holiday performance.
No Lessons
Christmas Break
Studio will be on Christmas break through January 7.
Lessons Resume
Sonatina Festival
Scheduled audition @ Lindenwood University
Students perform one movement of a Sonatina for a judge.
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Sacred Music Festival
Scheduled audition @ Piano Distributors
Students perform two hymns for a judge.
Federation Festival
Scheduled Audition @ Piano Distributors
Students enter events such as Piano Solo, Theory, Sight Reading and Ensemble. They perform their selections for a judge, recieve a rating and earn points towards a Gold Cup trophy. Audition times are scheduled during the festival hours of 10:00-5:00 on April 7 or between 12:00-4:00 on April 8. Alternate date is April 14 for those that can't attend the first weekend.
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Federation Festival
Scheduled Audition @ Piano Distributors
Students enter events such as Piano Solo, Theory, Sight Reading and Ensemble. They perform their selections for a judge, recieve a rating and earn points towards a Gold Cup trophy. Audition times are scheduled during the festival hours of 10:00-5:00 on April 7 or between 12:00-4:00 on April 8. Alternate date is April 14 for those that can't attend the first weekend.
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Federation Festival (Alternate date)
Scheduled Audition @ Piano Distributors
Students enter events such as Piano Solo, Theory, Sight Reading and Ensemble. They perform their selections for a judge, recieve a rating and earn points towards a Gold Cup trophy. Audition times are scheduled during the festival hours of 10:00-5:00 on April 7 or between 12:00-4:00 on April 8. Alternate date is April 14 for those that can't attend the first weekend.
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Spring Recital and Awards
Piano Distributors
Family and friends are invited and encouraged to attend to support and hear students perform their recital pieces. This is a celebration of students' accomplishments throughout the year.
No Lessons
Studio break begins
Students will be on break until the Summer Session resumes in June.